Disclaimer :

All contents are authentic and taken from various sources. This blog is intended to give better understanding about the Kadazan and Dusun's ethnic. This blog also has nothing to do with the purpose for "politics" and I dont intend this blog for "politics". All I did was just to share about our ethnic especially to those who never heard about this ethnic.

If you disagree any of those contents below, here is one thing I want to tell you, this blog is just a kind of compilation from various sources and i am here not to ask you to believe everything i say (since all post was just mere research). I advice you to start one on your own and I hope you can give better and accurate answer.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Other theory : Dusun originated from China

This might explains why I look like a Chinese. Most of them even speak Chinese to me (urgh~ why the heck i didnt take Mandarin as my 3rd language?). Just sayin'. Heh.

Here, I found another source that saying the Dusun's are from China. The "dusun" word derived from the word "luisoon" which is a chinese word, of course. "Luisoon" means 'left by the boat'. It is to be believed that "Dusun" are the Sung Dynasty descendants. (oh? this may explains why i am so into Chinese's movie!! like Wong Fei Hung!! or or!!! Ip Man!! and you name it as long it involves Kung Fu! haha). Cut the crap.

Back to the fact, source saying that "Kadazan" and "Dusun" are different. (Then how come we have so many common in dialect?)

This is the story that I quoted : "About 1000 years ago, China was travelling all around the world by ship for trades activities.  There was sunken junk from China founded at 20 meters deep between Kudat and Pulau Banggi in Sabah. Some ceramics from the Sung Dynasty was founded from the wreck and now been displayed at the Kota Kinabalu Sabah Museum. It was reported more than 1 ship were sank, but still have not been founded yet. The Chinese sailors that survived continued their lives in Sabah ever since and starting the Dusun race and heritage."

"Dusuns are traditionally inhabitants in the interior of Sabah, obviously in the hilly and mountainous region. As the result, the indigenous people of China and indegenous people of Sabah are related. So its proven that the indigenous people of Sabah are from the Chinese origins. This is also solves your wonder about why Dusun people looks like Chinese. It is because Dusun people have Chinese blood in their body."

By the way, in my previous post I said that we the Kadazan-Dusun people are the gene's left by the nomadic people (to be precise, travelers) in Sabah. One of them might be the Chinese.

Some would says that "Kadazan" and "Dusun" are the same but only have different slang. Other than that the Kadazans lives in city meanwhile the Dusuns lives in village.

Here, I found another interesting facts from random comments :
"The late Dr. James Ongkili said that the Dusun language is 70% the same as the hill and river people of Kuilim in Southwest China where the buffalo is used extensively and the dresses worn are practically the same as in Sabah. There are similarity of words like “kundasan” which means” looking at big mountain” in
Chinese, “Kadazan” which means ” home in the mountains” in Chinese, ” Hugansiou” which means ” Vice Chief Commander” in Chinese,” Runggus ” means ” Gong beaters’ in Chinese, “Murut” means “magic people” in Chinese,here in sabah and many other words. If the Chinese share the same Ancestral blood as the KDM then the Chinese in Sabah are natives in the legal defination of native in Sabah." - Datuk Yap P L (http://socyberty.com/languages/dusun-derived-from-a-chinese-word-pronunciation-luisooun/)

"I believe Dusun is not Chinese because if we are, we would have similar physiology with the Hans. I think Dusuns are more related to the Indochinese due to the shape of their faces. And I don’t even believe Dusun evolve in Borneo. Dusuns came from the mainland Asia because many highland Indochinese tribes share the same similarities with Dusuns e.g. the Karen hill-tribe in Thailand. But the mystery remains that some Dusuns don’t look like the average typical Chinese-like Dusuns e.g. high-ridged nose, protruding eyebrow ridges, deep-set eyes, beardedness and tallness when they have no case of recent mixed ancestry. My own theory is Dusuns were once a confederation of tribes much like the Huns who almost crushed the Romans in 5th century AD. Just like the Chinese and Mongols who are not really homogenous but actually accepted outsiders to mix with them. Ancient writers said that Genghis Khan himself had blue-green eyes, red hair and beard. Thus Dusuns might have mixed with many other tribes in the migration before finally settling in Sabah" - Rick Hunter (http://socyberty.com/languages/dusun-derived-from-a-chinese-word-pronunciation-luisooun/)

So, what do you think? Are we Chinese or IndoChinese?

There is no accurate answer about this. We may discuss and assume but i think many of us would disagree that our origin is from China, even though our ethnic have similarities with Bunun's tribe. 


  1. Check a Dusun DNA and you'll know somehow who is their affliation.

    By the way an aborigine Chinese looks Dusun. Han is mixture of breed from the Tibet-North. You look at southern Chinese at Hinan Island and Yunan and you find lot of Dusun man and women look alike. Their original dialect has been Austronesian. DNA (mtDNA and YDNA) that are similar mean people of the same ancestor.

    DNA studies finding many similarities among natives of Taiwan, Phillipines and Borneo e.g YDNA O2(P31) a sample of Dusun Tindal Kota Belud DNA.

    For female DNA several studies has found out that Dusun female groups to Haplogroup E(E1, E1a, E1a1a) and B4a. E1a and E1a1a found many among Taiwanese mtDNA. E1a found many among mtDNA (female ancestor) of the Philippines and Sulawesi. Current sample shows that E1a is not found in China. B4a are found many among the Chinese mainland.

    Other mtDNA haplogroup for Dusun is M7 and found many in Asia (central Asia and Southeast Asia) many especially in Japanese mtDNA sample. A mtDNA sample of a Dusun Tindal Kota Belud is Haplogroup E1a1a.

    Dusun has many other mtDNA haplogroup like R9, B5a, F1a and D. So any of the Dusun that has similar mtDNA in this world has the same ancestor. These haplogroup are found in Asia.

    If you guy are curious to know your ancestor and place of origin then you need to spend around RM300.00 - RM500.00 to get a a DNA test sent to a DNA lab in Malaysia or oversea for Haplogroup identification.

    Currently there is no DNA Law in Malaysia so no known prohibition of DNA testing abroad.

    Many suggestion for the origin of Southeast Asian DNA like E1a, E1b, E1a1a, B4a..etc. One is that Haplogroup E started from Taiwan and spread south to the Philippines, Sabah and Sulawesi based on current sample. The other suggestion is that it started from Borneo starting Sundaland route that is through Borneo, Sulawesi northward to the Philippines and Taiwan.

    You'll find out that Dusun has similarities in dialect spoken by the Yami tribes of Taiwan and many Yami people also has YDNA Haplogroup O2(P31). That is the same Haplogroup with a sample from a Dusun Tindal of Kota Belud.

    Haplogroup O2(P31) found among people of Vietnam, Burma, Hainan, Korean and Japanese. They has the same DNA mean they are Dusun look alike.

    1. Dusun related to Tibetan Burmese mongoloid Race of indochina

  2. Janganla perasaan sangat kamu ada darah "cina" sebenarnya bukan darah cina, apa yang saya faham, golongan minoroti di Taiwan seperti Yami, Bunan dll menggunakan bahasa mereka sendiri yang seakan2 seperti bahasa dusun, dan tagalog. So mau cakap darah cina xdala padan, kalau mau cakap "etnik yang seakan2 sama" boleh terimalah. kalau di taiwan golongan cina adalah cina, dan yami, bunan dll adalah golongan mereka sendiri. bahasa mereka xdalah sama dengan cina. cina mempunyai sistem tulisan mereka sendiri dan etnik mainoriti ini sama sekali xda menggunakan sistem tulisan seperti orang cina. So Dusun xda darah Cina. cuma ada persamaan etnik dan DNA oleh golongan mainoriti yang saya sebut tadi. :) so hati2 dengan fakta, kerana kesalahan fakta boleh buat orang tertawa bahawa "haha jadi orang dusun ni perasaan cina dan memang dari taiwanlah dulu, mau muntah saya oh bueek"....pasal DNA boleh percayala...itulah kecangihan teknologi masa kini

    1. berfikir lah secara meluas ckit...kita ni manusia..dtg dri satu keturunan...bukn terus2 ja muncul...manusi berkembng biak...dan satu lgi,dunia ni buknnya baru..lama sudah wahai saudara...kita ni manusia berasal dari Adam dan Hawa sbnrnya..Bukn beruk ah!Tapi kalw mau juga mengaku dari keturunan beruk,,pigi la sana....I'M NOT! apa yang article tu maksudkn adalah,,,org KadazanDusun berassal dari rumpun cina..ya,mmg belum adaa bukti yg kukuh,,tetapi bnyak prsamaan dr segi pelbagai aspek..cuma belum ada penemuan arkeologi yg betul2 mengukuhkn bukti fakta tersebut..Saudara,,kita di dunia ni,manusia ada bnyak jenis,ada yg keturunan hidung mancung,kulit hitam rambut keriting,keturunan mata sepet bla bla bla...itulah..KadazanDusun punya ciri-ciri fizikal mmg ada sama macam cina..kadang2 yg mcm Korea pn ada :P
      Itu lah..ko tinguk bah org jipun sama korea...sama kn mcm cina..Costume pn hampir sama kn...Orang cina pun,,bukan ada satu bahasa saja..Ada Mandarin,Kantonis,Hakka,and bla bla bla bnyak lagi..jadi,dorg org cina ada lain2,macam2 bahasa,ko mau cakap dorang datang dari rumpun berbeza lah? Helloooooo open your mind widely..aCTUALLY orang bunun itu berasal dari rumpun yang berketurunan mata sepet sama seperti cina jipun korea ..Jadi kalw bukan,,dari rumpun mana lagi???Dari orang Putih??! :P lah! Tu tu orang Thailand pun ada darah cina tu..Org melayu pun tidak mustahil ada darah cina+india...lu tada tau dorg punya nenek moyang maa... Lagipun di Tanah Melayu dulu dulu ada pengaruh Hindu-Buddha kan....pikirin deh... Kita org Asia maa...Berkembang biak berkembg biak dari duuuulu lgi bukan kemarin...Okay,sorry kalw terkasar bahasa..ko pun sama..siapa suruh komen kasar kasar..org komen ja la secara baik2.. Tapi dalam article tu ndak lah jugak kasi konfom 100% dusun dari rumpun cina kan...baru ja KEMUNGKINAN..sebab kajian belum berapa mendalam lagi..Plus,perkahwinn org KadazanDusun dengan Cina sudah menjadi kebiasaan dari dulu...Nenek moyang sya pn ada darah Cina...cousin sya pn kawin cina baru2 ni..cigu sya d skolah,,dua org yg campuran sino dusun... nah! Tapi yg asli Dusun pun macam Cina lah juga muka dorg.. Tapi,yg campur melayu,india or else mmglah lain2 sikit muka dorg... Tapi,tidak apa lah...Tuhan saja lah yang tahu segala-galanya..maklumlah pengetahuan manusia sgt terbatas..Hanya tahu sekadar apa yang dikaji..Nda apa..nnti mudah2an kajian lebih mendalam tentang kadazandusun will be carry out soon..

    2. In conclusion,,keturunan orang Asia saling berkait rapat..Especially Asia Tenggara..OK,That's my opinion....

    3. Elleh Kutuk² Bangsa Org Konon. Kau Tu Bngsa Apa. Artikel Nee Kasitw Yg Org Kadazandusun SemboySantik Nee Mungkin Berasal Daripada China Kerana Kostum Dan Our Language 70% Boleh Dikatakan Sama Dengan Org Cina. Bukannya Dia Cakap Org KadazanDusun SemboySantik Nee Mmg Org China. Atukoi. Lagipunkan, Kw Fahamkah Juak Apa Yg Kw Baca Nee Sbbkan This Article Are In English. Sorry To Say. ����

    4. Cina and dusun is same olso.... The children's of Adam and Hawa!!!

    5. Anda tidak faham.... Perbanyak bacaan anda..

  3. Hahaha...saudara/saudari jeremiah x faham ba tu apa maksud TEORI..:)

  4. betul yg Mira bilang..saya ni bidayuh tapi ibu ada campuran cina dari Sambas generasi ke tiga. Dulu ramai cina x mahu anak perempuan sebab tidak membawa nama keluarga cina. Menjadi anak angkat org tempatan jadi susah juga mau cam mana yang original. Semua dah bercampur macam rojak...apapun semua juga datang tanah besar tu..pendapat saja.

  5. Kadazandusun are one of the native tribes of China.

    1. Kadazandusun were believe to Tribe of Indo china Tai Kadai family Burmese

  6. Asal usul kita semua drpda adam dan hawa n then noah..slamat drpada banjir..faktor fizikal mostly dpengaruhi oleh keadaan sekeliling dan pekerjaan dan makanan.according to bible..baca peristiwa menara babel..DNA pun dlu2 dari adam dan hawa jugak tapi sdh berapa generasi berubah lah jgak DNA..jeremiah touching sgt nampak knapa.hahahaha

  7. According to my grandmother, a bobolian, who passed away in 1978 at the age of 114, the Dusun people came from POGUN SINA. Only in 2016 I started to do research and found that linguistically there is no affinity between the language of the Dusun and the ethnic group in Yunnan. But we do have linguistic relationship with the natives of Taiwan, especially the Puyuma. Example "tasu" in Dusun is also "asu" in Puyuma language. "Mato" in Dusun is also "mat" in Puyuma. Also DNA analysis of ancient Pingpu people skeletal remains prove relationship with Dusun DNA.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oral history said dusun came from mainland China. But scientific research by genetic of our dna, they called haplogroup, is a new scientific findings and material used to group us from which origin we came from. Scientific research pointed out that dusun came originally from Semang or Senoi people who descended from Africa about 100,000 years ago. Then they inhabitted Borneo for few thousand years and went out in search for more places, and according to them they went up north to mainland china and new tribes formed. Cultures and clothings are almost the same. Thou specifically we came from Adam but we need to know more what came after Adam. We need a more broad view of our ancestors and not narrowing down to just a single person Adam.

  9. My late grandmother from fathers side is the third generation of Chinese immigrants.so I have ancestors from China. But not all kdm have ancestors from China because the first people of this land is not from China.

  10. Orang cina tu yang berasal dari nenek moyang kadazandusun

  11. Kalau pengkajian sampai 100000..susah mau percaya..biblical study..menunjukkan dunia baru berusia kira2 6000 tahun saja..yup..orietal ni memang banyak persamaan..proud to be Asian...
